Table & Well Podcast
Our mission is to develop relationally powerful people, communities, families and teams through transformational experiences and coactive coaching! We help people "Live Relationally Well", as they experience healthier and deeper relationships with God, themselves, and others.
This Podcast is an extension of our mission. We believe that God has designed us to live from Joy in a thriving community. We define Joy as - "the deep knowing, through relational experience, that someone is glad to be with you no matter what." That is the good news!
We believe that true spiritual formation, character transformation, and personal and spiritual resilience, happens in communities where attachment, belonging, and identity exist. In this Podcast we will explore topics and give practical tools that, when practiced, will strengthen relational health, making living in deeper, more authentic community possible.
Table & Well Podcast
Intro. to Relational Maturity Part 1
Relational maturity is not a common topic, however it is a very real and important one. Join us as we start to unpack the 5 stages of relational maturity and talk through what maturity is and isn't, and why it is critical to living a joy filled life. Knowing these stages can begin to bring clarity to your identity and start you on the path to true transformation.
*The topics we present in this podcast have been cultivated, and derived from:
Deeper Walk International, Life Model Works, RARE Leadership - Jim Wilder & Marcus Warner, Joy Starts Here - Jim Wilder, Edward Khouri, Chris Coursey, & Shelia Sutton, Living with Men - Jim Wilder, Keep Your Love On - Danny Silk, Living From the Heart Jesus Gave You - James Friesen, Jim Wilder, Anne Bierling, Rick Koepcke, & Maribeth Poole, Renovated - Jim Wilder
If you have been impacted by what you have heard in this podcast and would like to support us in our mission to help people experience healthier & deeper relationships with God, themselves, and others, go to:
To learn how we can help develop your community, family or team: Schedule Interest Call
For more information about Table Experiences go to:
To start on your journey to relational health go to: Connection Cure
To watch this and other Podcast go to our YouTube Channel: Table & Well co